Friday, February 8, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite For Real

Most women want to know how to get rid of cellulite. But there are many confusing and misleading ideas floating around about the origins and treatments for cellulite. Few people seem to have the actual knowledge of what works to remove cellulite, and many women just believe whatever the salon and cosmetics industries tell them.
The problem is, these myths have spawned treatments that, for the most part, have not clearly proven to actually reduce celluliteThey are very effective in removing money from women with cellulite, but not in removing the actual cellulite.The Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery,, created with an advisory board of leading plastic surgeons, tells us that: “Treatments for cellulite remain largely unsuccessful because they only target the appearance of cellulite….No treatment option is permanent.”
Let’s take a look at some of these misleading myths:
Myth #1 Cellulite: ‘Cellulite’ itself is not a medical term, but a term essentially made up for the purpose of selling women ‘anti-cellulite’ treatments. These treatments claim to remove the very common dimpled look from skin on the hips, buttocks and thighs. Here are some of the theories about the cause of this phantom problem of cellulite and its treatment.
Myth #2 Fat: One extremely popular misconception is that cellulite is somehow inherent in the body fat of your lower body. This has lead to a groundswell of ‘anti-cellulite’ diets, which have never really worked. The complicating aspect here is that fatty deposits can accentuate the appearance of cellulite in women who have it, making the dimpling look deeper and more severe. But, since we’ve discovered that cellulite comes from a very different part of the body, not the fat layer, we are beginning to understand that no amount of fat reduction will lead you to reduce cellulite. Say goodbye to the myth of fat reduction fixing cellulite.
Myth #3 Toxins: A closely related myth is that toxins in the lower body fat cause the lumpy effect of cellulite. These are supposed to result in the fat layering on with a ‘cottage cheese’ effect. It is likely that a salon owner somewhere, interested in selling the salon’s customers on lotions, body wraps and massages, developed this theory of cellulite being connected with toxic fat. The results of this type of ‘cellulite detox’ treatment have been disappointing, since cellulite is not related to fat, toxic or otherwise. Better blood circulation is the foundation of better oxygen delivery to your cells and removal of waste products and toxins from them. But even increased blood circulation has shown no measureable positive effect as a cellulite solution.
Myth #4 Diet: The connection with your diet is only that a diet which favors good muscle tone, strong cell membranes and healthy hormonal balance will favor cellulite loss, but only when combined with exercising and toning the correct muscles involved.
Myth #5 Adhesions: Then there are the cellulite theories falsely connecting cellulite with muscular adhesions, which are areas in the muscles where muscle tissues have begun to stick together and reduce flexibility. A deep tissue massage for cellulite was developed as a way to release muscular tissue adhesions. Adhesions definitely reduce flexibility, and the right treatment for adhesions is meant to return that flexibility, which it does, and therefore reduce cellulite, which it does not.
Myth #6 Inflammation: Inflammation of the skin tissues and fatty deposits can cause reddening and swelling, but doesn’t correlate with cellulite. Reducing tissue inflammation, an effect claimed by some anti-cellulite treatments, has no positive effect on cellulite. This cancels out all the anti-cellulite gels, creams, lotions, pills and serums that are claimed to ‘smooth away’ cellulite by giving you healthy, uninflamed tissues. Of course, these treatments can produce a short-lived smoothing and tightening of the outer skin layers, temporarily mimicking cellulite reduction. The various rubs and scrubs, including everything from expensive spa concoctions to simple ground coffee, are touted as cellulite treatments but have the same shortcoming. Continuous purchasing and re-applying is required for a very limited result which never treats the real problem at the core of cellulite.
Myth #7 Muscle Tone: Poor muscle tone as the cause of cellulite has become a more popular concept recently. The suggested fix for this problem has been regular lower body exercise such as running, walking, bicycling and squats. These do tone some portions of the intricate muscle complex that makes up the thighs and the buttocks, and so they do have a positive effect on cellulite reduction. Unfortunately, other portions of these muscles just below the skin layer are not fully toned, so areas of cellulite often remain. It is interesting that this ‘myth’ is turning out to not be a myth, but the treatments for poor muscle tone haven’t been fully effective in eliminating cellulite.
If you have tried any of the above treatments, you will already know the real truth about them. Either they do not work at all, or have only a slight, temporary or partial result. So, what’s the real secret of how to get rid of cellulite? What genuinely works? It turns out that toning the full complement of lower body muscles in the correct way provides a firm pliable foundation to your thigh, hip and butt skin tissue. When the complete surface layer of these muscles just below the skin creates a smooth, non-sagging base, cellulite vanishes. And with a small amount of the right exercise it will stay gone forever.
What if you just can’t get your beautiful thighs and butt back?
I know how hard it can be to try so many unsuccessful remedies for a problem like cellulite, but if you really want to get rid of it for ever, you’ll have to learn a single method that works amazingly well.
This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much to learn, you can watch a short video about it here: How to Get Rid of Cellulite for Life.
Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more about why temporary cellulite fixes  just don’t work to help you learn how to lose cellulite for good by clicking the link.

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