Friday, February 8, 2013

Truth About Cellulite Reviews

Official Website:   (By: Joey Atlas)

Here is a review from a customer:
Joey Atlas is a well respected personal trainer who specializes in helping women get into tip-top shape. As most women are all too aware of, cellulite on the back of the thighs and glutes is an issue for a large percentage of women, and is at the top of most women’s lists of things they’d like to improve. Atlas has worked with thousands of women over the years, and after a lot of trial and error has come up with a program designed specifically to attack cellulite and diminish its appearance. The program consists of an exercise program lasting 24 days, with each day’s workout taking about 20 minutes to complete. At the end of the 24 days the appearance of cellulite should be dramatically reduced if not eliminated altogether.
Cellulite: A Women’s Curse
Given the struggles women face with cellulite these claims are pretty hard to believe. There are all sorts of topical creams and cosmetic procedures designed to treat cellulite, and very few have ever been shown to provide real, lasting results. Cellulite, contrary to popular belief, is not a type of fat, but an issue that has to do with the connective tissue beneath the skin.
Men vs. Women
You might be wondering why cellulite affect woman much more than men; and the answer has everything to do with this connective tissue. In men the connective tissue is arranged in a cross hatch pattern to form a smooth, continuous layer. In women, on the other hand, the connective tissue forms vertical bands called septae that leave small gaps where no connective tissue lies between the subcutaneous fat and the layer of outer dermis. These gaps are what lead to the appearance of dimples or “cottage cheese” referred to as cellulite.
Young vs. Old
There is also a specific reason that cellulite is more prevalent in older women, and relatively rare in young girls. In a woman’s youth, her connective tissue is strong, supple and flexible, and tends to hold together and prevent subcutaneous fat from slipping through the gaps. Once puberty hits, hormonal changes affect the connective tissue, causing it to lose elasticity and stiffen. As women age the connective tissue ages as well, leaving bigger and more prominent gaps for the fat to slip through.
Joey Atlas’s Solution
The author takes a unique approach to helping women get rid of their cellulite. It doesn’t involve topical creams or laser treatments—but instead relies upon improving the tonus of the muscle tissue beneath the cellulite to diminish its appearance.
It’s impossible to actually get rid of cellulite, or at least to get rid of the weakened connective tissue that makes it visible. What makes the appearance of cellulite more noticeable is the fact that there is not enough muscle tissue beneath it to support the fatty tissue, so it essentially sinks and presses on the skin between the layers of connective tissue.
“The Truth About Cellulite” program focuses on building and toning the muscles beneath the cellulite (the gluteus and hamstring muscles) and reduce the subcutaneous fat on top of them to eradicate the appearance of cellulite.
The workout routine you’ll follow with the program can be done in 15-25 minutes per day, and follows the REDUCE principles listed below:
  1. Replace machine and free weight exercise with body weight exercises.
  2. Emphasize the contraction by performing each repetition n a slow and controlled manner.
  3. Don't fall for the more is better approach, as this can actually hinder results.
  4. Utilize the furniture and items in your home in your workouts—no gym required.
  5. Concentrate on reducing the rest period between sets to no more than 20 seconds.
  6. Expect reduction in the appearance of cellulite within two to three weeks.
These are the principles that this breakthrough program is built on—and what makes it so effective. If you've been struggling with unsightly cellulite without getting the results you’re after, stop buying the latest cellulite creams when they come out and start using an exercise based approach that really works. You’ll earn your results with sweat and hard work—but in the end it will be well worth it!

Kick Butt Cellulite Redux is a program produced by Joey Atlas which is composed of two levels in exercise physiology. Joey emphasized in this program that the cellulite is a muscle fiber problem and never a body fat problem. These are muscles which are in atrophy cause skin to pucker and dimple. With the Kick Butt Cellulite Redux System, Joey says that it is a complete muscle layer stimulation, Kick-butt Cellulite Redux Kick-butt Cellulite Redux Review Kick-butt Cellulite Redux Bonus Kick-butt Cellulite Redux Free Kick-butt Cellulite Redux Download



At this very moment women of all ages, all around the world, are literally throwing money down the drain on completely ineffective ‘cellulite treatment’ methods and products…
Meanwhile, a small handful of fortunate ladies have discovered something which actually removes cellulite permanently – and with literally no risk, hassle or expense.

Kick Butt Cellulite Redux is a program produced by Joey Atlas which is composed of two levels in exercise physiology. Joey emphasized in this program that the cellulite is a muscle fiber problem and never a body fat problem. These are muscles which are in atrophy cause skin to pucker and dimple. With the Kick Butt Cellulite Redux System, Joey says that it is a complete muscle layer stimulation, is perfect for the standard every single day lady. The good thing about this system is that there is no requirement for a fitness center and that this is possible in your own home with three occasions per week.

Take a look at the testimonial below

How does Kick Butt Cellulite Redux work?

First, it is important to be knowledgeable and understand what really cellulite is. Joey’s Kick Butt Cellulite Redux system demonstrates how a workout Physiology schedule could get the Cellulite reduction job completed in his Naked Beauty e – book and video. This system saves women from going through and spending on Liposuctions just to remove the cellulites in the body.

The Kick Butt Cellulite Redux package incorporates individuals, plus sample 22 – minute each agendas which you can use like a guide. With this package, you will also find Anti – Cellulite Cardio exercises which are 18 – minute programs. All these exercises are what helped Joey in his cellulites.

By getting rid of the “weights and machines” approach to cellulite reduction – we can then focus on properly targeted, natural body-weight movements WHICH DO give you Synergistic Muscle Layer Stimulation… Called “SYMULAST” for short…

What are the benefits of this Kick Butt Cellulite Redux System?

Joey’s Kick Butt Cellulite Redux assure customers of the benefits that are listed below. These are just few of their claimed benefits though.

•    Tightens, lifts and smooths the skin of your buttocks & upper thighs with 3 floor exercises that surprise even the best trainers and fitness pros…

•    It keeps lots of money in YOUR purse – Beauty spa operators want women to think “exercise doesn’t work” so you keep shelling out big bucks, month after month, in the hopes that “some day – the cloth wrap treatments are going to magically cure your cellulite…”

•    Been told that “cardio and diet gets rid of cellulite…” by some ‘know it all’? Ha! – NOT TRUE! – See, dieting is for weight loss and “traditional cardio” is for aerobic endurance. All you want to do is get rid of your cellulite – NAKED BEAUTY gets rid of your cellulite without dietingand without running yourself into the ground…

•    Only 36% of women who follow my method need some cardio. I tell you how to determine if you need it – and if so, I map out exactly which 3 types of cardio, and the precise way to do the cardio, with a few options/variations – so you are not slowing down your cellulite reduction results…

•    My laser-targeted Form-Tempo-Sequence formula of SYMULAST that gives you measurable cellulite reduction in minimal time – WITHOUT cutting into your busy schedule…

•    Have you read that “cellulite is caused by a build-up of toxins in the body…”? Don’t believe this scam-based bu!!$#it for 2 seconds… This ‘toxin theory’ is the foundation for one of the biggest beauty product rip-offs on the market… Our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins around the clock… If toxins really were accumulating in your body – you’d be dead already – just ask your trusted doctor about it…

•    Has some “neighborhood expert” told you “Your cellulite is genetic and permanent…”? Well, in 3.5 weeks they’ll be eating crow and green with envy when you unveil your gorgeous,new cellulite-free body…

•    Sneaky advertising schemes of “cellulite dissolving” products that cost women a fortune… As aNAKED BEAUTY Client you’ll never be victimized by those con-artists again…

•    Next month when your cellulite is gone – you’ll want it to stay gone for the rest of your life…

Your Life-Time Anti-Cellulite Prevention and Maintenance Schedule shows you exactly how toKEEP your skin smooth, tight and sexy forever. These easy to follow schedules make your life simple and EXTREMELY enjoyable…

The Naked Beauty 28 Days Program

In this program, you will be given:

1) NAKED BEAUTY Streaming Online Video Version
2) NAKED BEAUTY PDF/printable version with photos and instructions
3) Your Personal Cellulite Removal Exercise Schedule
4) ‘Top Secret’ Anti-Cellulite Cardio Instructions
5) Flat Sexy Stomach Routine: 9-Minute Online Streaming Video
6) Tightly Toned Arms: 8-Minute Online Streaming Video
7) Free Life-Time Subscription to ‘The Cellulite Files’
8) Life-Time Anti Cellulite Prevention and Maintenance Cheat-Sheet
9) 60-Day ‘NAKED BEAUTY’ Guarantee: Your Cellulite is Gone or Your Money Back
10) If you claim your Private Client Access Spot today you also get any updates and additions to NAKED BEAUTY at No Charge – FOREVER

The Truth about Cellulite

What can you do to help fight it…?
Summer is here and the last thing you need to be worrying about is exposing your legs to the world. If cellulite makes you feel uncomfortable about wearing a pair of shorts or a skirt then you’re probably desperate to get rid of it. Well, sorry to disappoint you but there isn’t a miracle cure – although there are things that can be done to help the problem. There are so many treatments available now that it is hard to know what actually works and what doesn’t. Perhaps we should start by looking at what cellulite is and how it is caused.
building health and wealth health  The Truth about CelluliteCellulite is excess fat trapped in pockets beneath the skin which lead to a dimpled or uneven appearance, sometimes likened to cottage cheese or orange peel. It is not a different type of fat, but a word that describes the physical appearance of the fat. The dimpled appearance occurs because the fat cells of women are closer to the surface than they are in men. The cells are held together by connective fibres that are similar to the shape of honeycomb. If fat and fluids accumulate in these compartments they tend to bulge and press against the connective tissue, creating a bumpy appearance. It’s a lot like the wires and buttons that hold your bed’s mattress together. The more fat there is the more likely cellulite is to show. It affects more than 80% of women in their lives’ – even celebrities such as Sharon Stone are afflicted! We all have some body fat, so no matter how skinny we are, we’re still susceptible.
Cellulite can affect women of all ages and sizes and there are many contributing factors. Poor circulation can play a role in the development of cellulite because the lymphatic and circulation systems work side by side. If these systems become sluggish, toxins and waste products are not eliminated and these toxins can leak into other tissue like fat cells. Research has found that cellulite is not a unique substance and it is no different from fat cells found in any other part of the body. Hormonal levels vary throughout our lives and are also a big factor, which explains why far more women are affected than men. At times such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause, hormones change dramatically and there is a build-up of fat reserves. This tends to worsen with age as the layer of fat below the skin which gives the smooth appearance, starts to break down. Cellulite also forms from taking medication such as birth control pills and diet pills as these increase the amount of oestrogen in the body which inhibits the elimination of toxins.
A lack of exercise also contributes to the formation of cellulite, as tissue gets blocked and toxins build up. Eating a bad diet won’t help a cellulite problem either. Fatty foods, as well as alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks all produce toxins that get trapped in the fatty tissue, and so make a cellulite problem worse. As well as this, not drinking enough water means toxins can’t be flushed away. Smoking weakens the skin, and even tension and stress can block the tissue which can prevent waste elimination. With so many causes of cellulite, it can be hard to prevent.
So what can we do to help fight cellulite…?
  • Complete a regular detox regimen, at least once every 6-12 months.
  • Get a regular firm massage to help eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate the lymph system.
  • Keep active – try doing a combination of cardiovascular exercise to burn fat and resistance training to tone up.
  • Cut out fatty, fried, sugary and spicy foods.
  • Increase the amount of fibre in your diet.
  • Eat at least five portions of fruit a day.
  • Limit your intake of alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks.
  • Aim to drink seven glasses of water a day.
  • Keep your calorie intake in moderation by eating smaller meals regularly.
  • Try to limit taking medication to when it necessary to your health and well-being.
  • Quit smoking.
There are several other options on the market for fighting cellulite other than purifying your body through diet and exercise. These are skin creams, anti-cellulite pills, body wrapping and liposuction. But do they really work? As to whether you try them really depends on how much money you are willing to spend and what you are willing to endure in pursuit of a “perfect body”. As cellulite comes from inside the body it is hard to believe that creams you apply onto the skin can actually work. They might give you smooth skin but what they won’t do is banish cellulite forever. The most effective cosmetic treatment would be liposuction but it is a very drastic way to get rid of cellulite. The best possible things you can do are to detox, eat healthily and remain active!

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite For Real

Most women want to know how to get rid of cellulite. But there are many confusing and misleading ideas floating around about the origins and treatments for cellulite. Few people seem to have the actual knowledge of what works to remove cellulite, and many women just believe whatever the salon and cosmetics industries tell them.
The problem is, these myths have spawned treatments that, for the most part, have not clearly proven to actually reduce celluliteThey are very effective in removing money from women with cellulite, but not in removing the actual cellulite.The Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery,, created with an advisory board of leading plastic surgeons, tells us that: “Treatments for cellulite remain largely unsuccessful because they only target the appearance of cellulite….No treatment option is permanent.”
Let’s take a look at some of these misleading myths:
Myth #1 Cellulite: ‘Cellulite’ itself is not a medical term, but a term essentially made up for the purpose of selling women ‘anti-cellulite’ treatments. These treatments claim to remove the very common dimpled look from skin on the hips, buttocks and thighs. Here are some of the theories about the cause of this phantom problem of cellulite and its treatment.
Myth #2 Fat: One extremely popular misconception is that cellulite is somehow inherent in the body fat of your lower body. This has lead to a groundswell of ‘anti-cellulite’ diets, which have never really worked. The complicating aspect here is that fatty deposits can accentuate the appearance of cellulite in women who have it, making the dimpling look deeper and more severe. But, since we’ve discovered that cellulite comes from a very different part of the body, not the fat layer, we are beginning to understand that no amount of fat reduction will lead you to reduce cellulite. Say goodbye to the myth of fat reduction fixing cellulite.
Myth #3 Toxins: A closely related myth is that toxins in the lower body fat cause the lumpy effect of cellulite. These are supposed to result in the fat layering on with a ‘cottage cheese’ effect. It is likely that a salon owner somewhere, interested in selling the salon’s customers on lotions, body wraps and massages, developed this theory of cellulite being connected with toxic fat. The results of this type of ‘cellulite detox’ treatment have been disappointing, since cellulite is not related to fat, toxic or otherwise. Better blood circulation is the foundation of better oxygen delivery to your cells and removal of waste products and toxins from them. But even increased blood circulation has shown no measureable positive effect as a cellulite solution.
Myth #4 Diet: The connection with your diet is only that a diet which favors good muscle tone, strong cell membranes and healthy hormonal balance will favor cellulite loss, but only when combined with exercising and toning the correct muscles involved.
Myth #5 Adhesions: Then there are the cellulite theories falsely connecting cellulite with muscular adhesions, which are areas in the muscles where muscle tissues have begun to stick together and reduce flexibility. A deep tissue massage for cellulite was developed as a way to release muscular tissue adhesions. Adhesions definitely reduce flexibility, and the right treatment for adhesions is meant to return that flexibility, which it does, and therefore reduce cellulite, which it does not.
Myth #6 Inflammation: Inflammation of the skin tissues and fatty deposits can cause reddening and swelling, but doesn’t correlate with cellulite. Reducing tissue inflammation, an effect claimed by some anti-cellulite treatments, has no positive effect on cellulite. This cancels out all the anti-cellulite gels, creams, lotions, pills and serums that are claimed to ‘smooth away’ cellulite by giving you healthy, uninflamed tissues. Of course, these treatments can produce a short-lived smoothing and tightening of the outer skin layers, temporarily mimicking cellulite reduction. The various rubs and scrubs, including everything from expensive spa concoctions to simple ground coffee, are touted as cellulite treatments but have the same shortcoming. Continuous purchasing and re-applying is required for a very limited result which never treats the real problem at the core of cellulite.
Myth #7 Muscle Tone: Poor muscle tone as the cause of cellulite has become a more popular concept recently. The suggested fix for this problem has been regular lower body exercise such as running, walking, bicycling and squats. These do tone some portions of the intricate muscle complex that makes up the thighs and the buttocks, and so they do have a positive effect on cellulite reduction. Unfortunately, other portions of these muscles just below the skin layer are not fully toned, so areas of cellulite often remain. It is interesting that this ‘myth’ is turning out to not be a myth, but the treatments for poor muscle tone haven’t been fully effective in eliminating cellulite.
If you have tried any of the above treatments, you will already know the real truth about them. Either they do not work at all, or have only a slight, temporary or partial result. So, what’s the real secret of how to get rid of cellulite? What genuinely works? It turns out that toning the full complement of lower body muscles in the correct way provides a firm pliable foundation to your thigh, hip and butt skin tissue. When the complete surface layer of these muscles just below the skin creates a smooth, non-sagging base, cellulite vanishes. And with a small amount of the right exercise it will stay gone forever.
What if you just can’t get your beautiful thighs and butt back?
I know how hard it can be to try so many unsuccessful remedies for a problem like cellulite, but if you really want to get rid of it for ever, you’ll have to learn a single method that works amazingly well.
This method is simple to pick up and it doesn’t take much to learn, you can watch a short video about it here: How to Get Rid of Cellulite for Life.
Don’t give up hope, it’s NOT impossible. Learn more about why temporary cellulite fixes  just don’t work to help you learn how to lose cellulite for good by clicking the link.